Liberty Baptist Church exists to glorify God by making disciples in Dalhart and around the world. We are currently in search of a new lead pastor to help lead our congregation in our God given mission. Below you will find some information about our process and the job description.
If you are interested in the positition, please email your resume to
Job Description/Lead Pastor
The Lead Pastor will meet the character qualifications of an Elder outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-12 and Titus 1:5-9. He is accountable to the pastoral team, and will serve alongside the pastors/elders to lead the church to fulfill our God-given mission. He must:
- Be a baptized, born-again disciple of Jesus Christ with a clear call and dedication to pastoral ministry and have the heart of a Shepherd.
- Model a growing, vibrant, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, an active prayer life and a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
- Be ordained, or ordainable.
- Have a masters degree or higher from an accredited, theologically-aligned seminary.
- Be in agreement with Liberty Baptist Church’s doctrinal statement.
- Be a Gospel-centered expositor of Scripture in the content of his teaching.
- Cultivate relationships to make disciples.
- (If married) Have a strong marriage with a spouse who shares God’s call to the church ministry and who wholeheartedly supports her husband in this undertaking.
Areas of Responsibility
Preaching & Prayer
- Plan the preaching calendar for the year
- Prepare and deliver compelling, exegetical sermons that are relevant, uncompromising and true to Scripture.
- Devote time to praying faithfully for the congregation
- Serve as the first among equals on the pastoral team.
- Develop and equip men in the MTP pipeline
- Disciple and develop key staff and church leadership.
- Help identify and develop new leaders within the church.
- Cultivate a culture of disciple making disciples that pervades our ministries
- Spend time outside of the office engaging the members of LBC in their homes and places of work
- Provide counsel to members when necessary
- Work with the pastoral team, deacons, and ministry leaders to develop a mission-driven annual plan and budget.
Organizational Discernment
- In collaboration with the elder team, work to identify the specific areas in which LBC might connect and serve our local community
- Strategically plan and define desirable outcomes for potential initiatives
- Disciple and empower leaders and members for the work of the ministry